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Graham Sherry

Rememoried - The Review

I’ll tell you what I love most about Indie games; the developers aren’t afraid to try something new. Not content with being independent, you come across a game from time to time that’s just, so out there, that’s there’s no discernible way to describe it to someone. Standing in the crowd of Indie games, that just sit there waiting to be picked by someone, Rememoried is jumping around like a loon, with neon flashing lights and shouting “pick me” at the top of its voice. It quickly becomes apparent as to why I say this, when you start playing for the first time.

Rememoried isn’t much more than what has come to be known as a walking simulator this generation. There is a light puzzle element involved across the games levels that can be completed in 30 minutes if you’re quick enough, and during this short burst you will unlock every achievement in the game.

What may well throw people off is the lack of direction given to the end user from the very start, and you may wonder what on Earth you’re supposed to be doing. There’s always an end goal you need to interact with, which will usually be a flower, piece of furniture or a creepy white face mask. Sometimes you have to think outside of the box to find a solution to the level, and others are far easier to figure out.

The game’s visuals are almost entirely in a monochrome setting, with occasional colours standing out clearly when they make an appearance in what is a surrealist environment. Stars, rocks and architecture form the landscapes of Rememoried, and sometimes it can be highly confusing as to what is going to help you.

So what exactly is Rememoried? Well, in laymen’s terms, memories change to dreams. There is a small amount of voiced narrative for you to ponder upon as you play. You may well end up feeling totally confused even after finishing the final level, scratching your head and wondering what you just spent the last half an hour of your life on. Not to say it’s a bad game, but it doesn’t give you much to go on, instead letting you interpret Rememoried in your own way.

One level in particular I enjoyed, was the twin moons. Directly opposite each other, was full moons, with silhouettes of the buildings and architecture making up the level design. It really was a pretty sight to see, and was a personal favourite. The designs of the other levels were all unique in their own way, showing off a creative mind behind the game. They may be short by the time you figure out what’s next, and that’s a shame, as if it had been fleshed out and expanded upon more with a bigger team and budget, Rememoried could have been something special.

There is little replay value for the game unfortunately, unless you feel a second playthrough would help explain everything. Another gripe I had, was that in some levels, the glare from the colour white was a bit much to bear with at times, and there’s no option within the pause menu to adjust this.

If you’re part of the achievement hunting community, then this is the game for you. Every single achievement will unlock by the time you finish the game’s story. A good enough reason to buy it in this instance.

Overall, Rememoried is a thought provoking game if you give it enough of your time. It’s certainly a unique, stand out from the crowd kind of game. I’d say at the very least, consider it. You may not understand it right away, but it’s so bizarre and interesting for me at least, that I’d recommend it for the surreal experience.

Overall Score 7/10

Developer: Vladimir Kudelka

Publisher: Hangonit Studio

Release Date: 6th December 2017

Price: £12.49

File Size: 862MB

Xbox One copy provided for review purposes.

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