Wow what a start the the year we are having at KK. We have been busy launching special editions of some of our amazing hand airbrushed controllers which have been in very limited numbers to keep them extremely exclusive, the hallmark of KK.
We have some new designs that we would like to share with you:
First up we have our WINTER IS COMING Xbox controller based on the amazing Game of Thrones series and available to order here

Next we have our VAULT HUNTER Xbox One controller based on the popular cell shaded series of games Borderlands and can be ordered here

Last but not least we have our LAMDA Xbox one controller based on the truly wonderful Half Life games, where is HALF LIFE 3?????? You can order your own professionally airbrushed version from our store here

We are also going to offer an exclusive 10% discount to all of our website followers just use the code KKELITE at checkout for the rest of April.
Thanks for following KK it really helps us keep building the best controllers in the world.