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Star Citizen Intergalactic Aerospace Expo 2954 Day 2 Aegis Dynamics.


Welcome Every one back to the Tobin Expo Centre Zenith Hall on Microtech for Star Citizen Intergalactic Aerospace Expo 2954 Day 2 Aegis Dynamics. *a personal note, there is a VERY rare ship module called the Sabre Raven which is mentioned but not shown at the event, it is an EMP variant of the Sabre and if anyone wants to see it, just ask as I do own one.

Main Hall


The Aegis Reclaimer is an industrial salvage ship. Equipped with a reinforced cargo bay, a long-range jump drive and launch pods for unmanned drones, the Reclaimer is an ideal ship for taking advantage of deep space wrecks. Tractor breams, Floodlights, scanner options and docking ports round out the tools on this capable, utilitarian spacecraft.


Sabre Comet

Created as part of the "Masters of Flight" series in conjunction with the Slight-Sim Arena commander, the Comet pays tribute to famed pilot Captain Kamur Dalion for his work with Aegis to usher in a new era of combat ship design. This sabre comes equipped with a specialized dogfighting focused loadout and a custom special edition livery honouring this iconic ship.



Part of Aegis Dynamics' Phase Two of new ship models, the sabre was designed as a space superiority fighter for those situations where you need to leave a lighter footprint. Designed to be a rapid responder, the Sabre is more than a capable of establishing battlefield dominance for any number of combat scenarios.


Hall 2

Avenger Titan

Lacking the Prisoner Cells of the Stalker or the EMP generator of the Warlock, the Titan's hold is free to carry cargo. Couple that available space with the Avenger's tried and true combat abilities and you've got a light cargo hauler that's more than capable of handling itself in a fight.


Avenger Stalker

Initially designed as Aegis' frontline carrier ship for the military, the Avenger Stalker took a different path, ultimately having a long and storied career as the standard patrol craft of the UEE Advocacy. Utilizing its cargo hold for prisoner transport, the Avenger features a sturdy, reliable hull and the capacity for larger-than-expected engine mounts.



Designed by Aegis Dynamics, the Redeemer is a powerful Fighting ship capable of holding its own in combat with a powerful weapons payload. Dotted with turrets and missiles, the Redeemer also doubles as an armoured landing craft capable of delivering soldiers to the frontlines.


Avenger Titan renegade

Created as part of the "Masters of Flight" series in conjunction with the Flight-Sim Arena Commander, the Renegade pays tribute to the famed pilot Danny Solomon for his notable work with the Advocacy to bring justice to Bremen. This Avenger Titan comes equipped with a specialized dogfighting focused loadout and a custom special edition livery honouring this iconic ship.


Avenger Warlock

The Avenger Warlock was built towards a single design philosophy: stop ships, don't destroy them. Probably the closest to a non-lethal fighter, the Warlock is outfitted with a Behring REP-8 EMP generator, capable of emitting a powerful electromagnetic wave to disable any electronics unfortunate enough to be within the blast radius.


Hall 3

Gladius Valiant

Created as part of the "Masters of Flight" series in conjunction with the flight-sim Arena commander, the Valiant pays tribute to famed defence pilot Condi Hillard for being the first Human on record to defeat a Vanduul in combat. This Gladius comes equipped with a specialized dogfighting focused loadout and a custom special edition livery honouring her iconic ships.



The Gladius is an older design which has been updated over the years to keep up with modern technology. In military circles, the Gladius is beloved for its performance and its simplicity. A fast, light fighter with a laser-focus on dogfighting, the Gladius is an ideal interceptor or escort ship.



A fast patrol ship with multiple turrets designed to combat fighters, the Hammerhead is equally suited to support larger capital ships in a fleet or act as a flagship for fighter groups.


Hall 4


The Aegis Eclipse is a bomber designed to get in and strike before it's ever even spotted. After extensive service with the UEE, this high-tech military equipment made its civilian market debut in 2947.


Retaliator Bomber

one of the United Empire of Earth's most powerful warbirds, Aegis Dynamics' Retaliator is a fearsome weapons platform designed to strike and kill capital ships. A key portion of the UEE's power projection, Retaliator squadrons have served with distinction against outlaws, the Vanduul and elsewhere.


Hall 5

Vanguard Sentinel

The Vanguard Sentinel is a ship that's designed to fight smart instead of taking enemies head on. The conversion features an AR cockpit, an external e-War pod, decoy missiles and a set of EMP charges. Vanguard Sentinels often provide necessary combat support for combined operations. A lone Sentinel is frequently paired with Harbinger bombers and Warden escorts for large attack missions.


Vanguard Warden

A hard-charging bulldog of a fighter which features extensive forward-mounted weaponry designed to tear through the shields and armour of other spacecraft. So-named because their multiple-jump range allows them to form the vanguard of any military expedition, Vanguards have been extensive service against the Vanduul.


Vanguard Hoplite

The Vanguard Hoplite is a cross between the winning Vanguard deep space fighter and a dedicated boarding ship. Adapted from proven assault ship designs, the Hoplite is the perfect tool for inserting an armoured strike team with enough firepower to get them out again.


Vanguard Harbinger

The Vanguard Harbinger is Earth's standard fighter/bomber, converting the standard Warden's escape pod into a potent bomb bay. The extended range of the Vanguard and the relatively small profile mean that it can go where carrier-based ships or larger strategic bombers don't, strike hard, and then make it back to base.


Lower Level & Holo Suite

Sabre Peregrine

After Seeing what fans of the sabre Raven were able to accomplish with the fighter on the racetrack, the design team at Aegis Dynamics were inspired to craft an official racing variant for the agile ship. Enter the sabre Peregrine. Streamlined and featuring additional thruster boosts, this nimble bird is ready to fly across the finish line.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sabre Firebird

When Frontline skirmishes call for a swift and decisive offensive, the sabre Firebird is the ideal medium fighter for any arsenal. Taking the already battle proven Sabre Raven, Aegis has designed the Firebird variant with an enhanced missile launcher capable of engaging with a wide array of threats.



With four centuries of distinguished service under its belt, The Aegis Dynamics Nautilus tactical minelayer represents the ultimate in strategic combat engineering, with fully0intergrated mine-deployment, sweeping and disarming capabilities.



Refuel. Repair. Rearm. Become a one-person support crew with Aegis Dynamics' Versatile Vulcan, supplying aids to pilots on the fly. Whether pinned down under heavy fire and in need of ammunition, low on quantum fuel after an ill-planned jump, or stranded in unknown space with a busted thruster, a pilot in distress can always count on a Vulcan and its cadre of drones to lend speedy, efficient assistance.



A mark two "peacekeeper" variant developed for the UEE patrol services, the Idris-P strips the standard ship's ship-to-ship gun and spinal mount in favour of additional cargo capacity and superior speed.


Sabre Raven, - Free ship and game package that came with the Intel Optane™ SSD 900p - This Ship isn't available in game and is very rare Possibly one of the rarest ships in the game, and I'm lucky to have one.


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